Age: 25.
Location: Boston, MA
Occupation: Senior Compliance Rep at Hachette Book Group. And Fangirl Extraordinaire.
Talent: Reading a book in one sitting and getting worked up over fictional characters.
OTP: Everlark.
This blog is mainly YA fiction, but basically whatever I think sounded interesting and decided to read.

Currently Reading

There are so many Autumn releases on here that I am really excited about as well! I can not wait for John Green to release another book after so long. There's Someone Inside Your House and All The Crooked Saints are also ones I can not wait for, so hope you enjoy all of these :)
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There's Someone Inside You House looks so amazing! The cover reminds me of the RL Stine babysitter books that I used to devour when I was a kid! Maggie Stiefvater is on my TBR. I've heard great things about her books - especially The Raven Boys series. Great list!