A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness


This book was both magical and completely real, and I loved every minute of it.

A monster comes to Conor's bedroom. Not the monster from the nightmare he's had over and over for what seems like forever, a different monster. And he's not there to hurt Connor, but to do something far different: the monster is going to tell three stories of adventure and loss and moral. And then the final story, will be told by Conor. And he must do something dark and dangerous. He must tell the truth.

This book was not what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be mythical and dark fantasy novel (I didn't read the description beforehand). But it was so much more--and so much better. It was heartbreaking and poignant and unforgettable. This was my first Patrick Ness novel, and the quality of this one just proves how much I need to get my ass in gear and read his Chaos Walking series.

It's hard to fully analyze the characters in the novel because it is so short, but Conor was an amazing boy. He was weak, but strong; calm, but angry. He was a complex being, that, in the end, was able so say what many people think when they are in his situation. Conor, along with the rest of the novel, was brilliantly written.

There was only one thing I wasn't a fan of, because I thought it was unrealistic; and that was the bully, Harry. I don't think that a bully would ever choose their revenge to be, "I don't see you". It was obviously just used to relate to the rest of the book. It's a slight issue, and one I can easily overlook, but I felt the need to state it nonetheless.

I've never read and Siobhan Dowd either, but the idea for this novel is genius--and I know I will have to now. I'm blown away.

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